Retired pilots looking for financial stability and a wide array of wealth management services are our largest client segment because we’ve been meeting their needs for decades. Before the onset of retirement, our financial advisors conduct a thorough analysis and develop strategies aligned with your goals. Our extensive experience navigating all aspects of retirement, including advising pilots on Medicare, Social Security, pension optimization, and more, combined with our proactive and comprehensive Standard of Care, ensures minimal surprises and enables us to assist you in staying on course throughout your retirement journey.
Director of Advisory Services David Camarillo, CFP® explains how Smith Anglin applies our proprietary Standard of CareSM to help bring consistency and added stability to our clients’ financial lives.
For pilots who are nearing retirement. We can help maximize your company-provided benefits, assess the pros and cons of each major decision as it relates to your specific circumstances, and most importantly, create a plan to accomplish what matters most to you – enjoying the retirement you have worked so hard for.